Sorry, couldn’t talk, my mouth was full of yermy bergel. My sister the baker gave me a biiiig bag of “professional” malt powder, and so the first thing that came to mind was: bagels! I have made them before several times, and actually quite like the soft pretzel recipe I used last time (I have made it as pretzels as well). VERY easy. But I wanted to try a “real” bagel recipe and, having already returned Bread: A Bakers Book to the library, I had to rip one off from the Internet. In this case, the recipe from The Bread Baker's Apprentice: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread (BBA), by Peter Reinhart, which can be found, slightly modified, at this site . Here I am, ripping off the recipe from the Internet! What I didn’t take pictures of: sponge, main dough, kneading, ball phase, weighing (yay, my mother gave me a scale that works great and confirmed the fact that my portioning-by-feel is actually pretty accurate). So here we are all the way at the rising-