Beer Bread: Step by VERY easy step!
Fast becoming a family favourite, so I thought I’d post a step by step. Dunno why; it really is just mix and pour! But first, you’ll need the recipe . It’s here . Instead of sifting, sifting, sifting like the author suggests, I just whirred everything together in the food processor with the steel blade. And instead of measuring out 3 cups of flour, I used (note added 11/30/11: I think this 305 is meant to be 405g - oy) 305g of all-purpose. The whirring accomplishes way more than sifting anyway… blends all the dry stuff together so you are guaranteed no lumps! Once the dry stuff is whirred, toss it back in a bowl and add the beer. Stir, stir, stir, until it is uniformly wet. I don’t get a “pourable” consistency as the recipe suggests. It is thick and sticky when ready. Plop it into a baking pan. Don’t worry; you oil the bread so much it won’t stick. Pouring oil over. The recipe calls for butter, which is nice, but canola works surprisingly well and makes this brea