Delicious, delightful, Kosher for Pesach soup lokshen (noodles)
Around here, it’s not truly Pesach cooking season until the soup lokshen are ready. Each year, this is how I inaugurate my brand-new, shiny-clean Pesach kitchen. (What? Yes, I’m still going on about Pesach… when do you want me to blog about Pesach, DURING Pesach? Before Pesach?? Oy. This was the first chance I’ve had to breathe, and post this, in nearly a month.) This year, I mentioned to a friend that I was getting ready to make the lokshen, and she said, “what?” It turns out that not everybody makes Pesach lokshen… go figure. It’s exactly like making blintzes during the year, except you leave out the flour. And because blintz leaves are mainly flour, you have to add a LOT more egg. This bowl has maybe ten eggs in it. What’s the exact recipe? You’ll have to forgive me, but I’ve never written it down. Here are all the components: 10 eggs (Large) Several Tbsp of oil About 1/4 cup of potato starch Salt a...