Not as exciting as it sounds
I came across a recipe for Blender Challah yesterday and the name just DREW me in. A blender! For challah! It just sounded so cool! It’s not quite as exciting as it sounds. You use the blender for maybe 20 seconds at the beginning. Basically, you make a slurry with all the ingredients, plus 1/3 of the flour, in a blender (I used my Cuisinart food processor) then stir the slurry into a bowl of dry flour. This is almost what I do with no-knead doughs, except I use my Danish Dough Whisk , so the slurry doesn’t get as well-mixed, I suppose. And I don’t pre-mix some of the flour – just dump it in all at once. So I guess this recipe gives you a well-mixed base, probably better mixed than the no-knead, and ultimately a not-overmixed, probably cakey-type dough. It appealed to me in part because we’re having a Rock-Bottom Shabbos where there is no grocery money so I have to make a smaller batch than usual. Blender Challah calls...