Unexpectedly delightful: Injerah
Today was the Ethiopian Jewish festival of Sigd, so I made an Ethiopian-themed meal in its honour.
So, on a bread-related note, I made the traditional Injera flatbreads to go with the meal.
Instead of the half-cup each of corn meal and whole-wheat flour that the recipe calls for, I substituted a full cup of rye flour, which one poster there pointed out is more closely related to the authentic Ethiopian “teff” grain. The rye didn’t lend a distinctive flavour, but I believe its soft texture and fast fermentation definitely helped make these a success!
These are really just like extra-fluffy, yeasty pancakes – there was a decidedly “beery” aroma of fermentation, even after only a couple of hours, before I fried them up.
(I’d imagine this is a lot like what it’s like to eat pancakes made from straight poured-off sourdough with no add-ins, though those might be more sour… but I suspect the really authentic Ethiopian ones are a bit more sour as well)
After being daunted by other forms of flatbread (poori, naan), I was surprised by how dead simple it was to make these. Mix, rest, pour, fry. You only cook one side – the other is meant to have a “bubbly” texture and appearance.
They really are just fermented pancakes!
(not a great picture… sorry!)
Here’s the whole stack of them – this recipe made too many, even for our family. Looking at the recipe now, I can see why… 4 cups of flour! I would probably halve the recipe if I make it again.
(visit my real blog to find out else we ate with the Injerah!)
Mmm…now that’s some goooooood Ethiopian eatin’!
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