Unafraid: zero-waste challah, the eco-happy way
Don’t know about you, but I was afraid of dough for a long time. Afraid to let it touch anything, because it’s so darn sticky. Afraid to let it rise uncovered, careful to set it on parchment or silicone when baking. Careful that the challahs were spaced just so when I put them in the oven to bake, so they wouldn’t end up touching. Careful, and afraid. But just look at my challahs now! They’re naked, completely uncovered as they rise. They’re bare-bottomed, sitting right on the table. I’m not using a baking pan at all. Experience and a couple of good tools have changed all that… mainly the little bench scraper in the back, which I’ve raved about here before. Also, a baking stone – preheated properly, it’s hot enough when you put the challahs in that nothing will stick to it. Even if it does stick, a nudge with the scraper is enough to dislodge it. Also, I oil the challah generously as I portion it, so that by the time I’m fi...