
Showing posts from March, 2013

Transform Pesach brownies into… something else

If your family is sick of Pesach brownies, or never liked them in the first place, or you’re looking for something a little shmancier, why not turn regular brownies into… well, this little compact-brownie terrine-thing that I don’t have a name for?  (If after reading this post you know what it’s called, please leave a comment letting me know!) It reminds me of those 5-layer Pesach bar cakes that you can buy for ridiculous prices in stores… only much, much cheaper. I use two cast-iron loaf pans, which is nice because they’re heavy, thick and sturdy, but I imagine any two pans the same size will work.  (cast iron is also nice because it kashers for Pesach nice n’ easy when I self-clean the oven…). This is not so much a recipe as a technique I hope will inspire you to great heights of deliciousness. You may want to line your loaf pan with plastic wrap before you begin for ease of removal.  I forgot – doh! Bake two square pans of Pesach brownies (recipe below...

Annual Homeschool Matzah Bake 5773/2013

Once again, we had some friends over for what’s become an annual pre-Pesach ritual:  home matzah baking!   Not kosher-le-Pesach, of course, but still… fun. Recalling pitfalls from previous years, I vowed to: have enough rolling pins this year (everybody wants to roll!)* mix the dough by hand (no mixer – too sticky and, surprisingly, slower) no pasta roller – it produces more professional results but also, surprisingly, slower (previous years’ posts:  5772 , 5771 , 5770 (just us, no friends)) I also pre-measured the flour and water, so each bowl had 1 cup of flour, with 1/3 of a cup of water standing by to pour in. *NOTE:  To make sure I had enough rolling pins, I went to Home Depot yesterday and bought a 4-foot dowel (maybe 1.25” diameter?) and had them slice it into 4.  With a bit of sandpaper, a good washing, and a final oiling step, I had four perfectly useable kid-size rolling pins, for maybe $7-8.  (I did try Dollarama first...

Happy Baking Moment

Last Shabbos, Ted made brownies from a mix… and Sara came over and decorated it, all professional-like:   Happy happy chometz, nestled in its parchment… little suspecting Pesach is on its way!

More delicious kosher morsels!