Web recipes – due diligence
Decided to try another kichel recipe, this time Marcy Goldman’s, from A Treasury of Jewish Holiday Baking . Being the cheapo that I am, I didn’t rush out and actually buy the book (like I’d love for you to do by clicking the links!), I just looked up the recipe I wanted online. I found two almost-identical copies of the recipe here and here . Why two recipes? When using web recipes, I ALWAYS do due diligence and cross-check at least two versions for discrepancies. It’s just too easy for a well-meaning blogger to make a mistake typing in a recipe, and it’s also easy for somebody to change around a couple of ingredients when posting their version of so-and-so’s winning recipe (and not say it’s been modified). So I did that – I double-checked every single ingredient, then went ahead and made the cookies, and after great effort to roll and cut them (sticky!), popped them in the oven for 25-30 minutes as directed in this version . Okay… I’ll admit it, I didn’t notice...