5 Slurp-Worthy Kosher Ramen Hacks
You might have guessed that I haven’t been a college student for some time now. But that doesn’t mean I’m not still addicted to one of the staples of college-student life. I don’t feed it to my family, but when I’m looking to treat myself, one of my favourite indulgences is… ramen noodles. You can find all sorts of articles online about how ramen is the perfect college food because it’s something like 20 cents a packet. That’s not quite true if you’re cooking kosher. Kosher ramen has always been a little more of a luxury; I don’t think we ever found it for less than $1.99 in Toronto. Here in Israel, it’s about 4nis (about $1), though it’s sometimes on sale for less (like 5 for 10nis). These aren’t recipes, more like suggestions. The key is to not try to do too much at any one time. Too many flavours will only clash with each other; choose two or three distinctive notes that will work well in harmony. Here are some flavour no...