Oliver’s Labels REVIEW and Giveaway!
*** UPDATE! We have a winner – Yosefa of Cooking Outside the Box !!! Always nice to share with another food blogger… Back in January of 2011 , I first had the good fortune to review Oliver’s Labels products on my main blog. I was very, very pleased. Thrilled, in fact, because I discovered that they have a line of kosher kitchen labels that actually STICK. Having wrestled with various brands throughout my kosher-keeping life, I was delighted that not only do these stick strongly to a variety of surfaces (including wooden spoons!), but they are not see-through, meaning you can see them no matter what colour your implement happens to be. Here’s a picture I took back in January 2011 of various utensils with the labels attached – so that was over a year and a half ago. I was so delighted that these could stick to almost any surface, including round wooden spoons (they’re cheap, but annoying to replace when trayfed due to marker M’s and F’s and P’s rubbing off and becoming indis