Looks disgusting – tastes, mmm…
Facebook status update: “No-knead dough meets all-day crock-pot caramelized onions = easy happy pletzel eatin'!”
Made the dough last night – basic no-knead recipe, with 1/3 spelt, mostly because I was out of white flour, but also to feel just a teeny bit virtuous despite our second “starch” supper in a row (last night was homemade pasta with home-grown tomato sauce; so sue me).
Spent the morning at Humber Arboretum, but I came home to… this:
Crock-pot caramelized onions! Actually, I hadn’t meant to leave the crock-pot on the whole time we were out, because I started them at 1 a.m., and as far as I was concerned, they were ready by breakfast time. But I don’t think they suffered much for the overcooking, except for looking even more disgusting than they had before.
Anyway, they look GREAT spread out on a crust… (This dough was so soft I didn’t bother with a rolling pin. Just grabbed 1-lb for the cookie sheet and approx 2/3 of a lb (or 3/4?) for the small one, rounded them out and let them sit for a while. By the time I came back (I spent half an hour making honey cakes!), they were very, very soft and eager to spread out just with my oiled fingertips.
A little poppy, a little extra-coarse salt…
Can’t take “after” pics because I’m heading out, but trust me – these are going to be delicious! And a super-super easy alternative to the “one-pot” cooks-all-day meal. You know, in case your family is sick of stews and meal-in-a-dish type things.
Onions! In the crock pot! Brilliant! I can't wait to do this. I love doing overnight things in the crockpot. :)