Little things…


… can make a HUGE difference.  We all say it, but I think this is  the best example of one teeny change that can make a huge difference to my baking life.

These are my oven gloves.  You may remember them from when I ordered them.   $8 each, made from kevlar, and oven-safe to 540 I have loved them for almost two whole years and they’re still going strong.  (here’s what they looked like brand-new! --->)

Anyway, they’re perfect… except they keep getting lost.  And I have nowhere good to store them in the chaos that is my kitchen.  Regular oven mitts are usually returned dutifully to the hooks next to the stove, but having nothing “hook-able,” the gloves just get tossed (by me – I admit it!) wherever when baking is done, only to be missing when they’re needed next (often just a couple of minutes later – I am that absent-minded).

And then it came to me!  I now crochet!  Just crochet a little loop onto each one and – hey, presto! – an easy shortcut to happy glove storage-land.

So I did and less than fifteen minutes later, there they are up at the top of this post and, well, here’s where we all live happily ever after.

Has a “little thing” made your baking life so much happier???  What was it?


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