Blog article about my sister!

Sara has been doing some amazing things with (nearly) gluten-free sourdough.  That’s right, SOURDOUGH.  She uses rice flour, I believe, fermented and added to a mixture of various gluten-free flours, to try to rival the flavour and popularity of her gluten-full breads.

Check it out over here!

And while you’re at it, here’s some more great press!!!

I had an amazing NEW concept this week following a super-fun bread workshop on Thursday:  a 2-generation, 3-baker bread workshop, with me, my mother, and Sara. 

Each of us could present one bread from start to finish: something like challah, no-knead and sourdough… or whatever.  Anything, really!

I mentioned it to my mother, who is pretty gung ho.  Haven’t told Sara yet… or anybody at our shul, which would be a fabulous (and kosher!) place to do it.  NOT my mother’s kitchen… or mine, I suppose.

Anyway, please take a minute to LIKE my sister’s very worthwhile up-and-coming bakery operation over here in Facebook-land.

p.s. don’t click here unless you want to see her very “unbaked” to-be-constructed website.


  1. Thanks for the shout-out! I like this idea, scheduling and logistics TBD...


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