Shanah Tovah!

A wonderful, wonderful year to everybody reading this and even those who are not!

May all of our braids go ‘round and ‘round

  erev rosh 007


Coiled tightly

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in the snails of our lives!

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More New Years’ Dough!

Two kinds of challah this year:  4-600g loaves of Super Wonder Challah (double recipe) and 3-675g loaves of Auntie Sally’s Challah.

Here, I’m mixing flour into the gloppy sponge for the Super Wonder challah last night before it had a chance to rise.

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What did the sponge look like?  Happy you asked!

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Most spongy indeed. 

And then this morning: Oy, vey! 

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It actually popped the bucket open in the fridge, and a bit of it was dried out, but I tucked it back in and it moistened up again just fine.  By the way, you can’t quite see in this picture, but the bucket was so swollen it wouldn’t sit flat on the table – it was wobbling like a weeble.

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Dark = Auntie Sally’s

Light = Super Wonder

May it be a good, sweet year of dough, dough, dough!!!


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