You’ve heard of cottage CHEESE…
Well, we’re back from the cottage, and here we are, making homemade “cottage challah” last Friday!
Eyeballing a very basic, thicker-than-usual dough on Thursday night…
Kneading in an impromptu “dough bowl”…
Then, hauling it out for the kids on Friday afternoon!
Mine looked gorgeous! I’m not used to working with such a firm dough…
We gave the kids raisin packets and I told them they could eat as many as they wanted and use the rest for their challahs. Naomi painstakingly poked each one in to “hide” it in her dough.
What beautiful challahs!
And once again, I forgot to take pictures of the finished product! They were a little drier than usual, and not as sweet as I like them, but they were warm and fresh, and THAT is a lovely thing in itself, in the midst of a crazy-busy cottage week.
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