Six Word Saturday: 8 Adar 2, 5771

Why the weird dates? Click here to find out!  And by the way – OMG, the real Adar is almost upon us!  If you know or care what that is…



Ending Shabbos… by preparing for Shabbos!

shabbos 015

(getting next week’s candles ready; I’ve started doing this BEFORE I put the candle holders away for the week and I love it!!!)


  1. Although I am not Jewish and am not familiar with the candles, I assume that getting them ready this week will save you time for next week. And, I am all about saving time - that is true for any mother! :) I am here from 6WS.

  2. Probably a very smart idea! I'm all for saving time and that's a great way to do it.


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