Six-Word Saturday: 25 Teves, 5771
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A whole week of bread adventures!
Not all entirely successful….
Sourdough rye bread that I finally got around to baking in my little dutch oven. Beautiful loaf! Just not all that flavourful.
The “bread” that isn’t bread: Seitan for hot & sour soup that turned out so gloriously well last time… but this time globbed into chewy rubberish nightmare. Flavourful, but the texture was horrid!
But finally, finally, to cap things off, a sourdough challah that was amazingly buoyant; this rose better, and with less commercial yeast, than any sourdough challah that I have made so far. I had 324g of starter, more than I’ve used before, and it performed super-well, though I did add 1/2 tsp of yeast.
The rise times were comparable to non-sourdough loaves, despite the wintry-cool house. On the downside, it tasted like there was no sugar in the loaf, and I’m really kind of wondering why (I’m pretty sure I added 1/4 cup!).
Took a picture before it baked, but got too busy to do another one afterwards!
Have a great week!!!
As always, this blog makes me hungry. It's not even necessarily the flavor I crave but the smell of fresh bread baking. Happy 2011 and thanks for playing 6WS!