Six Word Saturday: 25 Shevat, 5771

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Sourdough challah:  the Jewish holy grail?

erev 019

Yes, folks… I did it!  After weeks and weeks of “supplementing” the challah with a teaspoon of yeast, I spent a few days this week buffing up the starter and managed to create three delicious sourdough challahs – fully risen, perfectly cooked and beautifully-textured!

The problem is… you knew there was a catch, right?  They’re not very sweet.  And there’s a limit to how sweet they can become without either tasting weird or the sugar inhibiting the action of the yeast.

So I think next week, I’ll return to my basic tried-and-true Reliable Challah recipe – and then, perhaps, issue myself a new challenge.  Who knows what it will be?


  1. Hi Jennifer. Thanks for stopping by my blog and adding me to your blog roll. I am a big fan of homemade breads and make them as often as I can. I have never tried sourdough challah and this looks intriguing. Of course my kids have already threatened to go on strike if I depart from my traditional sweet challah recipe. But maybe we'll try this some time. Looks really interesting!
    - Rivki

  2. Even if you didn't quite love the results, at least you succeeded in your challenge! congrats!

    Thanks for playing 6WS!

  3. take the challenge you feel confident about and enjoy.

    best regards.

  4. Sigh . . . I've just never been able to master sourdough. Kudos on finally getting sourdough challah right.


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