Six-Word Saturday: 5 Teves, 5771

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“No knead” bread broke my mixer!

Forgot to blog about this one during the week.  I have some wonderful, local Red Fife whole-wheat flour my sister gave me that I wanted to try out, so I decided to do the No-Knead 100% Whole-Wheat Bread from King Arthur Flour again. 

I made it once before with spelt and it wasn’t fantastic.  This time around, it made a VERY dense loaf, but one that was eminently sliceable and eatable.

This is an unusual no-knead bread because you use a hand mixer (or stand mixer) to mix the ingredients.  The finished “dough” is somewhere between a thick cake batter and a thin bread dough.  Definitely not kneadable.  And as the six words point out, really too heavy for what my cheapo hand mixer could take on, apparently.  (Luckily, I had a spare in the basement, albeit a tippy one I hate.)

Once mixed, you let the dough rise in the loaf pan (mine’s a bit big, which the King Arthur blog warns about – it really does affect the height of the finished loaf).

parsha 002 

My loaf pan is bigger than recommended, and the house was a bit cool for rising bread.  All in all, though, I think this turned out quite passably well!

parsha 025

This loaf actually reminded me of the delicious round Malt Bread I loved as a child.  I’ll probably try making it again with a bit of white flour AND some of the malt powder she gave me a LOoooong time ago that is still sitting in the freezer.  Lightened up a bit, with a touch of malt, this could be the perfect toasting loaf. 

In fact, perhaps I’ll mix some up now and bake it tonight for tomorrow’s breakfast…


  1. Hi Jay3fer,

    Thanks for visiting Chrysalis ღ. I'm sorry you were offended by my post about Hanukkah.

    Be aware that I write for a Christian audience, and my article was intended for them. The perspective I shared about the view Christians hold on the Jewish feast as fairly universal.

    I invite you to consider the claims of our faith. Ask yourself why Christians consider Jesus Christ to be the Jewish Messiah.

    Could it be true?


    e-Mom @ Chrysalis a& Susannah's Kitchen


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