Six Word Saturday: 30 Cheshvan, 5771

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Delicious challah… better the next day!

DSC08430Now that is an accomplishment, because I usually don’t like challah very much by Saturday afternoon. 

I made last week’s amazing Super Wonder Challah.  I ran out of bread flour, so it was perhaps a little softer than last week.  That made it very hard to braid.  Didn’t help that I doubled the recipe and ended up with enough to make three HUGE loaves (>2lb) that spread like crazy in the pan. 

So in the end, it was not as picture-perfect as last week, but absolutely just as yummy – if not more so.  And today, even yummier!  Hooray for pre-fermentation; definitely works for me, though it’s a mystery why prefermenting HALF the flour can make the bread tastier than prefermenting all of it (I usually make the entire batch on Thursday night, let it rise, and fridge it overnight).

DSC08431Elisheva said that this was the closest to storebought challah that I’d ever made.  She meant it as a compliment… perhaps realizing that I’ve never liked storebought challah very much.

I also want to add, for people who don’t like or can’t have egg:  this was the richest, most delicious eggless challah ever.  I can’t believe there’s none in there.  And it doesn’t even call for a ton of sugar – it uses LESS sugar than my Rosh Hashanah challahs did, and I swear, it tastes sweeter.  More magic.

Hopefully, I’ll post the recipe later on this week or – more likely – at the last minute next Thursday night!

p.s.  Have you entered my free Cooking Disaster Contest???  One day left (24 hours, give or take) to win a free Cooking by Design cookbook!


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