Six Word Saturday: 2 Cheshvan, 5771
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The classic… my own reliable Challah!
Tearing off that first piece last night was like coming home. I can’t believe what an incredible, happy feeling it was, to dive into the my very own reliable challah.
This recipe is fairly fast: slightly sweet and completely eggless (except for the egg brushed on top). It doesn’t age that well, but is amazing on Friday night – and doesn’t do too badly, especially with butter, on Shabbos day.
For the first time, this week, I left it to rise at room temperature overnight, and I think that had a good effect on the taste. Working with no-knead doughs and sourdough has made me more confident that unless it’s full of dairy and eggs, dough really won’t spoil too quickly at room temperature.
I have been working on tweaking the recipe to include reliable scaled measurements. For a printable PDF of the results, which I think are very good indeed, click here.
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