Six Word Saturday: 27 Elul, 5770
Found… a challah for Rosh Hashanah?
Here’s what I think I’m going with. I wish my memory was better so I would know which were the best challahs of the year to re-make for Rosh Hashanah.
In any event, further to my post on Friday, I’ve already made two challahs for Yom Tov out of Tante B’s Famous Challah, originally from Recipezaar. They are braided and frozen, and they look gorgeous, but tasting over Shabbos revealed that that challah is not really SWEET enough for Rosh Hashanah.
So I went back even further into the archives and resuscitated the no-knead formula for Jennifer’s Experimental Do-Not-Knead Challah. It still doesn’t look terribly sweet. Tante B’s “sugar ratio” (as a percentage of flour) is 10.2%, whereas mine is closer to 12%. But I’ll give it a try.
Changes to the experimental do-not-knead formula:
- ran out of all-purpose unbleached, so used 1000g, plus 700g bread flour
- used 30g of yeast – even that looked like a LOT
- only used 3 and 3/4 cups of water, because I…
- subbed 1 cup of honey straight in the for the 1 cup of sugar (which should help with the sweetness issue as well)
As usual, stirred in the bucket, rolled it cement-mixer style, and now it’s sitting there, waiting to rise and be fridged overnight.
We’ve been blessed with a VERY cool, fall-like day after a few weeks of heat, but we’re supposed to have some hot baking days coming up this week…
Postscript: No photos of the dough in the bucket, BUT…who said you couldn’t shape a no-knead dough???
Yes, the magic has worked again. The dough that was a gooey liquid mass last night is now some perfectly lovely challahs for Yom Tov.
The snakes did need a bit of flouring to “cloak” them into a rusty batard shape, and then I also oiled them to try to help them keep their definition. But at that point, they would have braided up as fancy as anything.
Eminently workable dough, once you get it to the right stage.
2:26 am on Sunday night/Monday morning: BOY am I tired.
I hope these turn out like you want! They certainly look promising.
ReplyDeleteThanks for always playing 6WS, even if I don't always get around.