Six Word Saturday: 18 Tishrei, 5771 (Sukkos)

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OMG, fresh naan on Yom Tov!

image Nothing fancy at all. Basic batch of AB5 no-knead “boule” dough, stirred up on Tuesday. Oh, wait, not so basic… in place of all-purpose flour, I substituted half chapatti / durum atta flour.

Anyway, I mixed it up, then stuck it in the downstairs fridge. Hauled it upstairs on Thursday morning, when I had the good sense and timing NOT to make the naan immediately, but instead condition it slightly with a stretch and fold operation, then let it rest another 45 minutes.

Finally, rolled out the basic recipe into 20 about-equal circles (yom tov: kneading, yes, weighing, no, even with a non-digital balance).

Pan-fried dry on my new teflon pan – they DO work if you fry them on a regular pan, but I got lazy and didn’t want to take the chance of sticking. They almost all puffed up beautifully – the gorgeous “full balloon” look I love so much.

Served still-warm, our guests quickly gobbled them up with two pareve curries (potato-pea and spinach-tomato). One was left over but otherwise, they went like – well – Indian hotcakes.

I looooove fresh bread (did you know that already?) and often bemoan the lack of it on Yom Tov. So would I do this again in order to have fresh bread, considering it was a major “potchke” to roll and pan-fry these individually?

Maybe. It was really not much more trouble than, say, frying blintz leaves or making crunchy cheese. My only qualm was keeping the guests waiting while the last few cooked. They seemed to think it was worth the wait, however.

Here – eye candy to pretty up a bland post – is the Danish dough whisk I wish I owned but don’t. But I’ve got a birthday coming up!



  1. Hi - Thanks for recommending using a Teflon pan while making your naan. I represent DuPont and it's always a pleasure to see people recommending our products in their recipes.

    If you are interested in some other recipes or great cookbooks to look at for your blog, drop me an email and I would be glad to help you out! Thanks. Cheers, Ross

  2. Ross - thank you but no. I have to point out that by "Teflon," I mean any old nonstick pan they had at Winners. It could be another brand, and its use in my kitchen does not in any way entail endorsement of DuPont Inc, its products or corporate practices.
    Thanks for keeping the Internet safe for Teflon!


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