It’s SOOPER bakey day!!! :-o

Today’s fun fair at Laughlin Park was so utterly incredible, I almost cannot wait for the next one in July. 

(For more about the funfair itself, and not just the stuff I baked for it, check out my real blog here!)

Here is the menu / billboard Elisheva and I made.  We repurposed from an old school project of hers (you can see the ripped tissue paper around the edges where I (respectfully) tore off pictures of the Mir Yeshiva).poster

As I posted late last night, I ended up baking Strawberry Streusel Smash Muffins, Vegan Brownies (with Tofutti Cream Cheese frosting), Roasted-Potato Buns, plus Ted made his Triscuit Mini-Pizzas and I offered samples of our incredible Beer Bread to go with the Beer Bread Mix I was selling.

We ate the few leftover roasted-potato buns for supper.  The truth is, they were NOT fantastic.  Freezing dough is still a mystery to me.  Sometimes, it comes out perfect, and sometimes it just flops like a toad on the baking pan and never does rise well.

This was one of those times.  They were dense and tough and chewy.  But people who tried them were very kind and they did actually have a decent flavour; just not the fluffy artisan texture I was hoping for. 

Perhaps a kneaded dough might have kept its rising power better in this case?  I really don’t know.  Input welcome!

But anyway, it was a happy day all-round despite the weird buns.

At 50 cents each, the strawberry muffins sold like CRAZY!  But as a loss leader, they seemed to bring in lots of people and once they were gone, everybody was happy to spend 75 cents for the brownies (pretty small, but the Tofutti cream cheese is expensive, which I felt justified the extra cost).  And at 4/$1, the triscuit pizzas were also the hit of the day. 

I suspect people were looking for something savoury, so next time around, I may throw one more thing in… but definitely more muffins.  Towards the end, when it was 6 pm, people were also probably feeling more supperish and more willing to buy the bread mix and buns.  At the beginning, all they wanted was a snack, but pretty much everything was gone by the end:  perfect!

Here I am, happily tending shop.  This was near the end:  everything was almost all sold out.

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Here we were at the beginning (me and Elisheva), our table laden with kosher goodies.  Yum!

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Notice the crunchy babywearing mama (long blonde hair, bottom right) eyeing my vegan sign and whole-wheat buns?  Do I know my market, or what?  ;-)))

(Want to read more about the funfair, or attend the next one?  Visit my real blog here!)


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