Chavi’s Challot

(Mostly) forgot to take pictures as I went along, but here are this week’s challahs (rapidly) taking shape.

Dough, rested in the fridge over night, come to room temp:

newchallahs 2010-06-18 014

Braided. Made a mess of my Maggie Glezer style 4-braid… as usual. Sigh.

newchallahs 2010-06-18 015

Seeded and BAKED!

newchallahs 2010-06-18 023

Mmmm… they look delish! I will try to update after Shabbos with a cross-section; can’t go cutting into them beforehand...

UPDATE: Well, it's 3 weeks later, but I did indeed remember to photo these last time. And I'm making them again this Shabbos!


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