Just when you thought…

bunz 004all things bready had been utterly suspended for Pesach, here come:  BLUEBERRY BUNS!  12 of them, amazing.  They ALL stayed shut!  They are all yummy and delicious!  I know because I have bitten open each and every one and licked the insides out to make sure.

Good thing we’re not having guests!

Believe it or not, I made these using my own Experimental Do-not-knead Challah Dough recipe.  That’s right.  NOT kneaded, just chucked in a bucket and rolled around the cement mixer way.

Oh, and then left overnight and also folded a couple of times.  I never said it was a no WORK recipe, or a no TIME recipe.  Just no kneading.

bunz 003The dough was very wet initially, but with plenty of flour it rolled out amazingly well and held together like nothing I’ve ever worked with before.  Magic dough. 

Good Shabbos!


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