Six Word Saturday: 30 Shevat, 5770


Sourdough fact:  House too darn cold!


  1. I think you're right, it's the temperature. Too cold to get the dough going as written in the recipe.

    1. Don't refrigerate this dough at any stage.

    2. Make a proofing chamber out of your microwave as I mentioned on the last post, or:
    A. Preheat your oven for about 1 minute at 300 degrees, shut it OFF and proof your dough in there.
    B. Heat up a cup of water in the microwave. Place it next to the dough and cover them both with either a cheapo styrofoam cooler placed upside down or a big plastic storage box upside down. Or, warm up a beverage cooler you use in the summer with the cup of water or a heating pad and put your dough in there.
    C. Or, put some warm water in the bottom of a deep bowl, place the sheet pan with the braids on top of the bowl and cover the braids with a piece of oiled plastic wrap and a towel to hold in the heat.

    In the "old days" nobody bought packets of yeast--almost everything was leavened with starter or old dough, and nobody had central heating, either. But they still had bread. So try again but keep it warm.

    I use my microwave as a proofing chamber all the time. As long as it has been in there for a decent portion of the proofing time (at least 1/2 an hour), it's OK if a family member has to take it out to use the microwave. I just warm up the microwave again (with a cup of hot water) for the next stage.

  2. I'll still eat it!!! Thanks for playing 6WS.


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