Bready, not sticky!

Needed bread in a hurry for last night’s supper, and luckily I had some dough left over from the breadsticks I made on Sunday evening!

So I quickly whipped it up into a boule shape, let it rise for an hour or so, and baked it at 460 with as much steam as I could muster.  It started to get very dark (even with just a couple of tbsp of oil!), so I tented it with tinfoil.

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What was incredible to me was the amazingly cracked crust on this bread!  I have been trying for months to achieve this effect, and here it happened almost entirely by lucky accident.  See?  Lovely!

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The bread was fairly dense, not artisany at all.  Almost the texture of a deli rye bread… because it was so highly kneaded, I guess.  But it was VERY well-risen, completely cooked through, and absolutely delicious.

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A neighbour stopped in and we invited her to stay for supper.

Neighbour:  “Why are you taking pictures of the bread?”  (bit of a pause while neighbour washed and came and ate a bite)  “Well, it’s delicious, anyway.”

Mmm… I think we will have breadsticks bread again some day!


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