Lots of challah!

Sukkos 001So I made two batches this week for Sukkos:  one batch of no-knead Master Dough (big bowl on left; I subbed oil for the butter) and one (small bag on right) of my regular no-fail challah, with 1 cup of spelt flour.

The no-knead dough was wet, wet, WET, but behaved well enough once I floured it up.  Meanwhile, my regular dough was SO dry and hard and tight.  Look at the wrinkles in the middle of the coiled challah!

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The no-knead challahs were definitely less attractive.  The moisture makes them kind of loose and sticky-looking:

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Here are all 5 lined up ready to go in the fridge to rise overnight (fun, fun, trying to find space the night before Yom Tov).Sukkos 008 

And here they are, all streuseled and baked up!  None of them are my most beautiful challah ever.  Next week, we’re back to braids.

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The one at the front right is my regular recipe.  The others are the no-knead.  Not much difference in appearance when all is said and done.

Good Yom Tov, one and all!


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