
Showing posts from April, 2016

Spatchcocking a chicken for Pesach: the secret to moist, juicy, kosher chicken

Has this ever happened to you?  You’ve been cooking up a storm, roasting a chicken, which fills up the house with all kinds of delicious fragrances while it's cooking, and then you bite into the chicken and... AAAAAACK!!!!  Dry!  Dry!  Dry! There are some things that taste as good as they smell.  But chicken is often not one of them.  Dry chicken is like the eleventh plague of Pesach.  (Just tying this in here to keep it seasonal!) And whole roast chicken is the WORST, hands-down.  The breast (my grandmother used to call it the "keel" to be polite, but I don't know if this ever caught on) is up there, proud and tall (we've bred our chickens to be built like this), while the lesser thighs (lots of kosher stores call them “backs” to be polite) bask in all the juices and generally turn out okay.  (This is the bit I usually eat.) Another problem with roasting a whole chicken?  By the time the thighs (way down at the botto...

More delicious kosher morsels!