Linzer Tart, gluten free by Paula Shoyer (shh... it’s Kosher for Passover too)
Planning for Pesach yet? No??? Why the heck not? Oh, yeah... because it's January. Then again, when better to test out recipes so your family doesn't have to live with those thrown-together first-time "experiments" when yom tov rolls around? And if you think of it as the most incredible gluten-free pie crust you've ever seen, EVER, then it becomes a little easier (so to speak) to swallow. Plus, hey, who doesn't love a new cookbook? Especially when, like Maryland mom Paula Shoyer's brand-new The New Passover Menu , it's a totally user-friendly experience, complete with prep times, cook times, hints for advance prep and freezing... plus, get this: equipment lists. Yes! A cookbook writer who GETS what it's like to work in a bare-bones Pesach kitchen, not sure if you have a pareve sieve or not. (Though she recommends that everybody run out to buy a waffle iron for Pesach, which may not be the most practical suggestion eve...