Homemade Pesach Macaroons: The BEST, for less!
Way less money than they cost in the store, PLUS you can whip these up in less time than it takes to run to the store!!! (no whipping required) (in our local Pesach bakery, two dozen macaroons will run you about $9-12, if you’re LUCKY… these homemade ones taste fresher and cost well under $5) Homemade Pesach Coconut Macaroons (adapted from Bonnie Stern’s Passover Almond Haystacks ) Ingredients: 4 egg whites 1 cup sugar (include a bit of vanillin sugar, if desired) 275g (about 2 1/2 cups?) bag or container of finely-grated coconut – original calls for 3 cups of slivered almonds optional: 1 bag Pesach chocolate chips How to do it: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Stir egg whites together with sugar until evenly mixed. Do not beat or whip! I don’t know if anything bad happens if you try, but you really don’t have to! Stir in coconut until evenly mixed. Drop walnut-sized teaspoonfuls of mixture onto parchment paper. Th...