
Showing posts from February, 2011

Guest post, anyone???

I made yummy rosemary potato no-knead bread tonight.  It was amazing!  But it was WINTER amazing, which is to say, muted and blah and … well… not enough to kick-start the enthusiasm for getting off my bottom and doing stuff. What I need is spring. If anybody out there reading this is already experiencing spring or still has some energy left from fall, PLEASE feel free to send me a guest post – any length, any topic, as long as it has bread or some other form of baked good or wheaty/floury thing in it!!! Jay3fer “at” gmail “dot” com

Six Word Saturday: 17 Adar 1, 5771

Why the weird dates? Click here to find out! Other “weekly challenges” I participate in: Homeschool Diary Menu Plan Monday Kid’s birthday… not baking a cake.  :-( I really must do SOMETHING about this slump.   But in the meantime, we will probably end up with NO bread and a storebought cake. Sigh… I am SO ready for winter to be over.

Easy semolina!

I even remembered to slash it!  But not get a picture after it baked.  Quite yummy, though, as a “same-day” no-knead bread, it lacked a depth and there was really no distinctive semolina flavour and texture.  I have fridged the rest of the dough and plan to do something with it over the weekend.  Hopefully, it will have a lot more depth by then. Just happy I got some bread on the table, for a change!!! Link to recipe here .

Six Word Saturday: 2 Adar 1, 5771

So those are my six words:  Make bread… not sink into stupour. Yup, I don’t know if it’s winter or what, but my motivation to make bread is just about at rock-bottom. It’s cold, it’s snowy, I’m miserable, I’m exhausted.  But I also have a ton of flour to use up and never as long ‘till Pesach as I think I’ve got!  Plus, this:  WE ALL LOVE BREAD. So I need to plan something really spectacular for this week.  Any suggestions???  (Other than a good night’s sleep?)

More delicious kosher morsels!