It’s Adar… so let’s get cooking! Kosher Cooking Carnival (KCC)
Life really does get cooking at this time of year… kind of literally. I’m usually pulling out of my winter hibernation just in time for yom tov cooking/baking, first in a fun Purim way and then in a dead-serious Pesach way. This carnival is about all things kosher and cooking. If your blog is, too, or if you’ve blogged about kosher food on another blog, then you’re welcome to join us! Last month’s KCC was hosted by Batya at me-ander Next month’s KCC will be hosted… well, that’s TBD. (If you blog about food, why not step up?) For more information and an upcoming schedule, visit our facebook page So what’s doing in kosher food? What we’re eating First of all, with Pesach on the way, you should be inventorying your food and trying to use up what you’ve got. If you haven’t already, there’s still time to start, as Batya does at her blog me-ander in Pre-Passover Inventory Time . She says, “Sometimes I'm totally amazed at what has been stored away all y