Online Window Shopping Wish List

As the weather gets colder, and we approach my winter birthday, my thoughts invariably turn to… what I want!!!  This is my Bread Wish List, to be updated as I spot things that catch my eye.

Thought I’d do better blogging my wishes for a change, rather than clicking the BUY button!

Kevlar Oven Glove from Breadtopia




Loaf Pan - 4½ × 8½
from Golda’s Kitchen

Nothing fancy… but I’d like a couple of pareve ones, bread size and perhaps some others – like all-purpose cookie sheets.  From last year’s wish list:  “I am SO sickened by the quantity of tinfoil bakeware we go through around here. (still true – still going through the tinfoil like crazy) Plus, whenever I go to cook something, I have to test all the washed tinfoil to see if it leaks (usually, it does). 


Bread Thermometer from Breadtopia

This one says six seconds and apparently, they mean it.  I’d settle for any other model, from anywhere, as long as it works fast and doesn’t make a huge hole in my bread.


Measuring Spoons from Golda’s Kitchen (or anywhere)

I have measuring spoons, lots of them.  My two criteria are:  I want a SET that stays together, and I want the numbers to stay on, unlike the dollar-store ones.  Without the numbers, they’re kind of useless.


NO!!!!  Not this terrible thing!  Made by Anchor Hocking, I bought one at Superstore, thrilled that I was getting a real Glass Measuring Cup at last (Dollarama ones crack on contact with liquid). 

But it pours terribly, and why the heck do you need THREE spouts – in case you’re too lazy to twist your wrist 45 degrees?  When you begin to pour, the liquid trickles down the side and then gushes everywhere except where you’re aiming.  Plus, it doesn’t have a quarter-cup line.  So I (still) want a real measuring cup, or two, that are glass for durability, that have all the lines marked on, and that pour reasonably well.


Cast-iron or enameled cast-iron pot.  For baking bread in, but I’m sure it will have other uses as well.  Inexpensive is fine, but it should be entirely oven-safe to temps as high as 500°.

Here’s last year’s wish list, in case you’re interested.  Interesting how many of the items have come my way magically or with very little effort… like the laptop.  :-o

Amazing.  I guess I should spend more time being grateful and less time being wanty.


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